Wednesday 15 June 2016

Tip Of The week: Deskercise

You absolutely love your job! It's interesting and rewarding but these days, it seems like everyone is working more hours and using the old "no-time-to-exercise" excuse more than ever. But what if you could actually workout at work?

Yes, you can! deskercise; Deskercise is exercise performed while seated at the workplace especially for those whose jobs require sitting a day long. While you won't get to the Olympics this way, you can do muscle-strengthening, stretching, and even short session of aerobic exercises right at your desk (or maybe in an empty conference room or staircase). After all, health experts say any amount of exercise helps -- the benefits are plenty.

We are made to move, not sit at a place 12hrs a day. Sitting for a long period can result in back pains, listlessness, and headaches. You become less productive, not to mention less ... er.

Doctor recommend at least 30 minutes of moderate activity 5 days a week. Yet most individuals don't reach this level of activity. You know who you are... So what’s a worker glued to his/her desk to do? Luckily short stints of aerobics, strength training and stretching in between tasks, conference calls and G-chats can help improve fitness levels and heart health . Even though these deskercises  won’t promise Olympic miles or 6-pack abs, they may simply improve strength and burn a few extra calories to boot.

But come on -- can one actually go beyond working out the kinks and get some meaningful exercise in his/her work-space? YES! I’ve got some sneaky exercises for a healthier (and happier!) workday.

Single-leg squat: perform single-leg squats (hold onto a desk or wall for support) while waiting for a web page to load, faxes to slither or the copier to print out your reports. Do 3 sets of 15 reps, or until web page loads, the faxing or printing is complete.

Body weight lift:  perform this move to work your shoulder and chest.  Place both hands on your chair arms and slowly lift your bottom off the chair. Lower yourself back down but stop close to the seat, hold for a few seconds. Do 15 reps.

Desk pushups: this can be a good strength training. (Firstly, ensure your desk is firm enough to support your weight.) Standing, put your hands on the desk. Walk backward, then do push-ups against the desk. Do 10-15 reps.

Stapler curl: Trusty staplers are always guarded closely, especially the red ones. Standing or seated, take the stapler in one hand with the palm facing upwards. Starting at the thighs, bend the elbow and curl the arm up towards the chest, just like a regular dumbbell biceps curl. Pause for a moment and then lower the stapler back down. Continue for 10-15 reps, then switch hand.

The Patient Printer: Your boss just requested that a 200-page document be printed. Why lackadaisically stand by the printing pages when you could be sculpting your calves with calf raise? Standing with feet shoulder-width apart, press up onto the tippy toes, pause at the top for few seconds, then lower back down. Repeat for three sets of 12-15 reps, or until the printing, faxing, or photocopying even scanning is complete. 

Seated Leg Raise: While seated, straighten one or both legs and hold in place for 5 or more seconds. Then bring the leg(s) back to the floor without letting your feet touch the floor. Do 15 reps (alternate legs if raising them separately). Not feeling challenged? Strap a purse or briefcase over the ankle for added weight, or for more of an abs workout, add a crunch.

The “Weeee” Desk Chair Wheel Abs 'roll': Go ahead, play with your wheelie chair (everyone wants to!). While seated in a chair with wheels, position yourself at arm’s length from your table or desk and grasp the edge with your hands. Next, tighten your stomach, lift your feet slightly off the floor, and pull with your arms until the chair slowly rolls forward and your chest touches the table’s edge. Then roll back by pushing away, with the feet still off the floor.  Perform 20reps, or until you burn holes into the carpet ( LOL joking ).

Side Abs (Chair ) Twist: Do you have a swivel chair? Use its twirl to your advantage with this oblique abs fix. Sitting upright and with the feet lifted of the floor, hold the edge of your desk with your fingers and thumb. Next, use the stomach to swivel the chair from side to side. Swish back and forth for 15-20 reps.

Chair Crunch: The deadlines are looming, as are hopes for a 6-pack abs by summer, you can get the some of  packs with some seated isometric crunches. With both elbows on the thighs, try to bend; with your chest in towards the legs while resisting the movement with the arms. Hold it  for 10secs or more, release, and repeat 5-10 rounds .
Invisible exercise:  a) kegel -- tightening and holding, then loosening, the pelvic floor muscles (the muscles that control the flow of urine when you pee). This will prevent leakage and other problems down the line.; b) Butt clench-- this move is also helpful in today's butt-conscious society. Tighten your buttocks, hold for few seconds, and then relax.; Con 15 times. c)The same goes for abs squeeze -- just tighten your stomach muscles and it can be covertly done when seated during a call or walking down the hall . Stay squeezed on any of the exercise for 5-10 seconds and release, for 12-15 reps.

Use Every Minute Actively!

  • Whenever possible, stand rather than sit, walk rather than stand.
  • Walk during your lunch break or walk to go have lunch if the restaurant is a trek-able distance. Some experts say it's ideal to walk 10,000 steps a day. 
  • Register with a gym near your office and go during your lunch hour. If your employer provides a gym, that's even better!
  • Forget emailing the colleague 3 cubes away -- walk.
  • Remember, walks to the vending machine don't count!(LOL)
Click here  for chair workout video you can do if you have spare time it's also ideal for someone with leg problem as it has low impact moves.

Gonna forget to deskercise at work? I'm sure you’re a Microsoft Outlook pro! Make a calendar reminder or apply sticky notes around the work-space. Embarrassed? Search for a vacant conference room on a lunch break. I bet that your colleagues will not only be delighted about your deskercise regimen, but admire it. ;)

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